
Fellini between dream and reality: the photographic contribution of Rodrigo Pais

9 April – 8 May 2022
Fulgor Palace

Photographic exhibition curated by Glenda Furini and Guido Gambetta

The series of images that make up the exhibition bears witness to some important passages in Federico Fellini’s artistic career: Rodrigo Pais portrays him in the street, on public occasions, in interviews, previews and award ceremonies.
A section of the exhibition is dedicated to the events that inspired or were inspired by the film La dolce vita.

Roman photojournalist Rodrigo Pais entered the world of photography in the mid-1950s, collaborating mainly with the daily newspapers Paese, Paese Sera, l’Unità and the weekly Vie Nuove, but also with other newspapers and magazines of the time such as Corriere della Sera, Corriere d’informazione, La Stampa, Il Giornale d’Italia, Il Mondo.
Together with fellow photographer Giorgio Sartarelli, he founded the Pais & Sartarelli agency, active until 1972. The photojournalist activity lasted almost 50 years and ended in 1998.
The photographic and professional archive documents photojournalistic activity from 1955 to 1998 and consists of almost 380,000 phototypes.

It is part of the collections of the Bologna University Library, the University’s central library located in the heart of the university citadel, inside the ancient Palazzo Poggi.