Lo Sceicco Bianco

Year: 1952
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 85 min
Production: P.D.C. – O.F.I.
Word sales: P.D.C.
Viewed censorship:  11720 07/04/1952

Two newly-weds, Wanda and Ivan, are spending their honeymoon in Rome during the Holy Year. He comes from a bourgeois family and has planned everything, including visiting the Pope. As soon as they arrive in Rome, Wanda leaves the hotel and looks for the White Sheik, the hero of a photo love story published on a magazine she’s a fond reader of. She goes to Fregene, where a new episode of the White Shiek is being made and she finds out that her ‘hero’ is not up to her expectations. She tries to commit suicide by diving into the Tevere river, but she’s rescued. She finally goes back to the hotel, where she meets her husband. They hurriedly go to Saint Peter’s Basilica, together with her relatives, to meet the Pope.

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