La voce della luna

Year: 1990
Format: Colour
Runtime: 118 min
Production: Mario e Vittorio Cecchi Gori, per la C.G. Group Tiger Cinematografica e la Cinemax, con la collaborazione della Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana. Teatri di posa: Stabilimenti Cinematografici Pontini SpA
Word sales: Penta Distribuzione
Viewed censorship: 8539301/02/1990

Hinting at the lunar-obsessed lyrics of Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi, the tale focuses on Micheluzzi Brothers capturing the moon while Ivo – who’s just been dismissed from a mental hospital – tries to seduce Aldina Ferruzzi, the woman he’s in love with. Although she is not interested in him, Ivo equates her blond beauty with that of the moon, and thinks all his mental problems and frustrations are due to this. Meanwhile, the three madmen have caught the moon using gigantic farming equipment, and fastened it inside a stable using a rope. What ought to be a sacred event gives instead rise to a lot of confusion, and priests and politicians turn it into a political rally. The latter rapidly degenerates into violence, as a madman shoots the TV set, which bursts. Now Ivo is alone, and listens to the moon.