Fulgor Palace: from cinema to museum

Fulgor Palace: from cinema to museum

The Fulgor cinema is the oldest cinema in the city where Fellini saw his first film in 1926, Maciste all’inferno. Here he was enchanted by the images and discovered his vocation. For Fellini, the Fulgor cinema is one of the main sources of his imagination. Today it is the only true Fellini monument and, around this cinema, the city of Rimini has built a diffused museum that includes the building where the cinema is located as well as Castel Sismondo.

Marco Leonetti talks about this on L’Ora Solare on TV2000.

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“Italia Vicina – Alla scoperta della Penisola” heads to Rimini where it discovers the Fellini Museum

“Italia Vicina – Alla scoperta della Penisola” heads to Rimini where it discovers the Fellini Museum

Journalist Andrea Radic, travelling around Italy to discover the beauty and goodness of our country, stopped off in Rimini. Between a piadina and a visit to the city’s historic centre, he found time to visit the Fellini Museum, accompanied by Marco Leonetti.
Watch the report here.

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Amarcord, Maestro!

Amarcord, Maestro! – Rimini and the Fellini Museum

Marco Leonetti, director of the Fellini Museum, takes us on a stroll through dream, memory and desire, shining the spotlight on the way in which the embrace in which Federico Fellini embraced his city with ‘Amarcord’, 30 years after the director’s death, is reciprocated with all the warmth of which Rimini is capable.

Maremosso, Feltrinelli’s digital magazine, dedicated a beautiful article to Fellini on the 30th anniversary of his death and to the Fellini Museum, which you can find here

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Stefano Accorsi | Fellini and Rimini, between memory and dream – Emilia Romagna Tourism

Stefano Accorsi | Fellini and Rimini, between memory and dream – Emilia Romagna Tourism

The actor Stefano Accorsi shows us the connection between Federico Fellini and Rimini. On the video you can see the Fellini Museum and the main places of the city related to the director.

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FM – Rai Cultura


FM – Rai Cultura discovering the Fellini Museum

Rai Cultura’s journey to discover the Fellini Museum.
Guiding them on this journey of discovery into the life and works of Federico Fellini are Marco Leonetti, head of the Cineteca di Rimini and the Fellini Museum; Francesca Fabbri Fellini, daughter of Maria Maddalena Fellini (Federico’s sister) and Chiara Fravisini, coordinator of the Fellini Museum Project.

Watch the video or read the article

FM – Exhibition “Federico Fellini dietro le quinte” (Icaro TV)

FM – Exhibition “Federico Fellini behind the scenes” – Icaro TV

Icaro TV report of 10 June 2022 dedicated to Patrizia Mannajuolo’s photo exhibition ‘Federico Fellini behind the scenes’. The artist immortalised some moments on the set of ‘The City of Women’, a controversial film that the director made in 1979.

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FM- Rhino in Venice (Il Resto del Carlino)

FM- Fellini’s rhino at the Venice Lido – Il Resto del Carlino

The faithful copy of the golden rhinoceros, which appeared in Federico Fellini’s film ‘E la nave va’, participated in the Venice Historical Regatta placed on a 12-metre ‘bissona’ and pushed by 4 rowers. The sculpture is made by Rita Rivelli of Studio Forme in Rome, excellence in the field of artistic restoration, in collaboration with PolyFantasy, and is a lighter copy of the one placed in Rimini in front of the Fellini Museum’s Fulgor Palace.

Read the article and watch the video

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FM – Citofonare Rai2

FM- Fellini Museum on Citofonare Rai2

In the episode of 13 March 2022, correspondent Massimo Cannoletta leads us to discover the “Fellini Museum”. A space of creativity, included by the Ministry of Culture among the great national projects of cultural heritage, in the sign of Fellini’s visionary spirit, of cinema, of the relationship with the arts, in permanent dialogue between innovation and tradition.

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FM – Documentary “50 Gründe, die Emilia-Romagna zu lieben”

FM – Documentary “50 Gründe, die Emilia-Romagna zu lieben”

In the German documentary “50 Gründe, die Emilia-Romagna zu lieben”, Rimini and the Fellini Museum are named among the 50 reasons to love Emilia-Romagna.
Discover the details in the Rimini Today article

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