Fellini degli spiriti eng

Fellini degli spiriti

Year: 2020
Format: Colour
Runtime:  100 min
Production: Mad Entertainment with Rai Cinema
Distribution: Nexo Digital
Director: Anselma Dell’Olio
Genre: Documentary

The documentary that recounts, for the first time, “the unseen”, spiritual and supernatural world of Federico Fellini through extraordinary archive material from Rai Teche and Istituto Luce, images from his films and exclusive interviews. One hundred years after the birth of the Maestro, born in Rimini on 20 January 1920, the documentary investigates in depth his passion for what he called, in short, the mysterious, the esoteric, in an incessant search for other possibilities, other dimensions, other journeys and everything that can make the spirit and the mind soar. Many voices recount Fellini’s magical world, from the fortune teller that Fellini always consulted to Terry Gilliam, from Giuditta Mascioscia, Gustavo Rol’s psychic friend to director Damien Chazelle, from Fellini’s closest collaborators and friends to directors such as William Friedkin.

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Siamo qui per provare eng

Siamo qui per provare

Year: 2022
Format: Colour
Runtime:  88 min
Production: Ubulibri, RAI Cinema
Director: Greta De Lazzaris, Jacopo Quadri
Genre: Documentary

Daria gets married, Antonio is best man. They are an artistic couple. They have lived in the same building for years, now she is moving to another neighbourhood. They start working on a new project inspired by Federico Fellini’s Ginger and Fred. With them are Emanuele, Monica, Francesco, Martina, Andrea. They start with tap dancing lessons, the dramaturgy is written day by day, rehearsing in theatres emptied by the pandemic, in Rome, Rimini and France. Amidst doubts, in creative euphoria, our actors end up looking more and more like a group of castaways, in a disorientation where real life is constantly mixed with the play that is perhaps taking shape.

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Fellini fine mai eng

Fellini fine mai

Year: 2019
Format: Colour
Runtime:  80 min
Production: Rai Cinema, Rai Teche, Aurora TV (Giannandrea Pecorelli)
Director: Eugenio Cappuccio
Genre: Documentary

Much has been said about Fellini, but it is still possible to recount the unknown episodes of his cinema, his life and his poetics, especially if one has had the good fortune to work with him and share his experience, as happened to Eugenio Cappuccio, who in this documentary reconstructs the path that led him to meet Fellini in Rimini as an adolescent and later, after studying at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, to collaborate on the set of Ginger and Fred. Digging into the signs and paths that the extremely rich RAI television repertoire can provide, the film is enriched with numerous original testimonies from those who collaborated with Fellini. Thus, starting from Rimini, Eugenio Cappuccio launches himself towards new discoveries of Fellini’s never fully revealed ‘secret world’.

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Ginger e Fred

Ginger e Fred

Year: 1985
Format: Colour
Runtime:  125 min
Production:  PEA (Roma), Revcom Films in associazione con Anthea (München), in collaborazione con Rai Uno.
Studio: Cinecittà
Word sales: internazionale Sacis, italiana Istituto Luce, Italnoleggio Cinematografico
Viewed censorship: 81020 30/10/1985Amelia, a former dancer nicknamed “Ginger”, widow and owner of a small industry, goes down to Termini station. He must appear on television to dance, thirty years later, with his old partner Pippo, in art “Fred”. It’s Christmas time, there’s a lot of confusion. Ginger gets on a bus where she meets strange characters; she arrives at a large hotel where all the staff is in front of the TV, taken from a football match. Fred has not yet arrived, and Ginger goes down the street, where she is surrounded by a group of threatening bikers. He returns to his room, hears snoring and discovers that it is Fred, aged, beaten to a pulp, who has agreed to attend the show only for money. The two would like to at least try their old number, but they can not for the bailamme of strange characters, guests, like them, of the broadcast And here it is. They do eventually, but it’s a disaster. Only the compliments of the TV president convince them to participate in the show: when it comes to them it is a success. At the station, at the time of departure, they are recognized and sign autographs. Then, after Fred gets some borrowed money from Ginger, they separate. She leaves. The lights on the tracks go out and only the TV with its pounding commercials remains.

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E la nave va

E la nave va

Year: 1983
Format: Colour
Runtime:  132 min
Production: RAI Radiotelevisione e Vides Produzione (Italia), Gaumont (Francia). Teatro di posa: Cinecittà
Viewed censorship: 79229 31/10/1983A liner, Gloria N., is ready to sail. We are in the port of Naples, it is July 1914. Around the pier a crowd of street urchins and street vendors, while quickly the passengers arrive to board. Also arrives the ashes of a famous singer, Edmea Tetua; it is to spread these at sea that the cruise to Erimo was organized. On board there is also a journalist, Orlando, who entertains passengers, mostly singers, conductors, admirers of Edmea. A singer wants to learn the secrets of her skill; an Italian nobleman transforms his cabin into a temple dedicated to Edmea. From the hold rises the unbearable stench of a rhinoceros, which is then hoisted on the deck and washed. Serb shipwrecks who fled after the attack in Sarajevo are picked up. Life on board comes alive, until the ashes of Edmea are scattered in the sea. A Serb launches a bomb against an Austro-Hungarian warship and this cannons the Gloria N. that sinks; even the Austro-Hungarian flagship sinks and explodes. The journalist Orlando finds himself on a lifeboat together with the rhino, which ruminates placidly.

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La città delle donne

La città delle donne

Year: 1980
Format: Colour
Runtime:  145 min
Production: Opera Film Produzione (Roma), Gaumont (Paris)
Word sales: Gaumont – Italy
Viewed censorship: 74981 27/03/1980

A train crosses the countryside: in a compartment snoozes Snàporaz, a distinguished 50-year-old man. A handsome stranger appears, and the man follows her. In the toilet, the two begin to flirt, then the woman suddenly steps off the train into a mysterious landscape. And behind her, Snàporaz. An international conference of feminists is taking place at the Grand Hotel Miramare. As the search for the mysterious passenger continues, Snàporaz, mistaken for a journalist, is attacked. Rescued by a soubrette on skates, in his escape he slips down the stairs and plummets into the cellars, where he meets a big man who, on a motorcycle, accompanies him to the station; the virago, as soon as they are in open country, tries to rape him. And Snàporaz flees again pursued by enraged women. He takes refuge in the castle of Dr. Katzone, his former schoolmate intent on celebrating his career as a libertine. There he meets his wife, who, drunk, covers him with insults, and the savior soubrettina. After retracing some stages of his sentimental upbringing, he is captured by feminists. His woman-shaped hot air balloon is deflated by machine gun fire. As he is plummeting, Snàporaz wakes up in the train, sitting in front of his wife, just before the convoy takes a long tunnel.

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Prova d’orchestra

Prova d’orchestra

Year: 1979
Format: Colour
Runtime:  70 min
Production: Daime Cinematografica S.p.A. and Rai – TV (Roma), Albatros Produktion G.M.B.H. (Monaco)
Word sales: Gaumont – Italy
Viewed censorship: 73109 19/02/1979

Rehearsals for a symphony concert are taking place inside an old oratory. Instrumentalists arrive in small groups and take their places. There are also, in one corner, union representatives. A TV reporter interviews the musicians: each talks about his instrument and experiences. As the maestro arrives, speaking in a distinct German accent, the rehearsal begins quietly. Then suddenly it is interrupted by protests from the orchestral players. The conductor leaves the hall for his dressing room where the journalist follows him to interview him. Meanwhile, in the oratorio it is revolution: everything is protested, from the conductor to the scores; anarchy and disorder reign, with the walls daubed with writing and symbols of revolt. Suddenly the building begins to shake, shaken by increasingly loud blows until a giant steel ball smashes through the walls, and in the collapse the harpist dies. After moments of confusion and cries of terror, silence returns and the rehearsal resumes. Back on the podium, the conductor gives his orders, like a dictator.

Il Casanova di Federico Fellini

Il Casanova di Federico Fellini

Year: 1976
Format: Colour
Runtime:  170 min
Production: PEA
Word sales: Titanus
Viewed censorship: 69484 01/12/1976

During the Venetian carnival Giacomo Casanova agrees to show his amorous valor with Sister Magdalena and thus please the woman’s voyeur lover, the French ambassador from whom Casanova hopes to gain benefits. But he is arrested by the Inquisition on charges of black magic. He escapes from the Piombi prison and is in Paris as a guest of the Marquise d’Urfé who wants to obtain from him the secret of immortality. Then Casanova leaves Paris and resumes his frenzied activities as a seducer. Among his loves is the unhappy one with Henriette, who makes him despair and abandons him. In Rome he participates in an amatory contest with a Pololano, winning it. In Rome he also meets the pope and his mother, who by then has little interest in his fortunes. Finally, old age, employment as a librarian, his charm fading, the oblivion of the courts, until the loneliness of a dance with a mechanical doll, a memory of an increasingly distant past.

I clowns

I clowns

Year: 1970
Format: Colour
Runtime: 93 min
Production: Rai – Radio Televisione Italiana (Italia) – O.R.T.F. (Francia) – Bavaria Film (R.F.T.) Compagnia Leone cinematografica
Word sales: Italnoleggio
Viewed censorship: 5707217/10/1970

A circus tent is being installed and a child looks on curiously. Clowns remind him of some real-life characters, including an energetic dwarf, “Cotechino”, the stationmaster, “Madonna”, who’s continuously quarrels with her colleagues, “Giudizie”, who’s going back to World War I…We then move on to the present day. A television investigation is under way, and Fellini is looking for old clowns and is willing to listening to them telling him their memories. After visiting the “Liana Orfei” circus, Fellini and his crew go to Paris, where they interview Tristan Remy, a writer dealing mainly with clowning history. Fellini helps the writer track old clowns, namely the few survivors of a no longer existing world. The Director shoots their aged and sad faces. He owes them the joy they were capable of giving their audience.

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Year: 1987
Format: Colour
Runtime:  113 min
Production: Aljosha Productions (Ibrahim Moussa), in collaborazione con Cinecittà e Rai Uno
Word sales: Academy
Viewed censorship: 82589 22/05/1987

Fellini is shooting at Cinecittà a film based on America, the novel by Kafka. Pressed by questions from Japanese journalists, the director recounts his first visit, in 1940, to the Roman studios; he was also a journalist, in his early days, who came to Cinecittà to interview a famous diva. Fellini’s memories (hierarchies in orbace, the blue tranvetto for Cinecittà that crosses the Roman countryside, the imperial elephants, the Indians, etc.) crowd and intertwine with the questions of his frenetic interviewers, who film everything. Here is the young Fellini who finally interviews the diva, and meanwhile his current assistant director is looking for new faces in the subway. Then the police arrive, warned by a phone call of the presence of a bomb; then Marcello Mastroianni enters the scene wearing Mandrake’s tails. And the magic wand of these will make the images of La Dolce Vita appear, between the applause of those present and the tears of Anita Ekberg. The next day America resumed shooting, but a hurricane interrupted the shooting. A band of Indians attacked Cinecittà with TV antennas as spears. The filming of the film ends, and everyone greets each other wishing Merry Christmas.

La voce della luna

La voce della luna

Year: 1990
Format: Colour
Runtime: 118 min
Production: Mario e Vittorio Cecchi Gori, per la C.G. Group Tiger Cinematografica e la Cinemax, con la collaborazione della Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana. Teatri di posa: Stabilimenti Cinematografici Pontini SpA
Word sales: Penta Distribuzione
Viewed censorship: 8539301/02/1990

Hinting at the lunar-obsessed lyrics of Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi, the tale focuses on Micheluzzi Brothers capturing the moon while Ivo – who’s just been dismissed from a mental hospital – tries to seduce Aldina Ferruzzi, the woman he’s in love with. Although she is not interested in him, Ivo equates her blond beauty with that of the moon, and thinks all his mental problems and frustrations are due to this. Meanwhile, the three madmen have caught the moon using gigantic farming equipment, and fastened it inside a stable using a rope. What ought to be a sacred event gives instead rise to a lot of confusion, and priests and politicians turn it into a political rally. The latter rapidly degenerates into violence, as a madman shoots the TV set, which bursts. Now Ivo is alone, and listens to the moon.

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