Ginger e Fred

Ginger e Fred

Year: 1985
Format: Colour
Runtime:  125 min
Production:  PEA (Roma), Revcom Films in associazione con Anthea (München), in collaborazione con Rai Uno.
Studio: Cinecittà
Word sales: internazionale Sacis, italiana Istituto Luce, Italnoleggio Cinematografico
Viewed censorship: 81020 30/10/1985Amelia, a former dancer nicknamed “Ginger”, widow and owner of a small industry, goes down to Termini station. He must appear on television to dance, thirty years later, with his old partner Pippo, in art “Fred”. It’s Christmas time, there’s a lot of confusion. Ginger gets on a bus where she meets strange characters; she arrives at a large hotel where all the staff is in front of the TV, taken from a football match. Fred has not yet arrived, and Ginger goes down the street, where she is surrounded by a group of threatening bikers. He returns to his room, hears snoring and discovers that it is Fred, aged, beaten to a pulp, who has agreed to attend the show only for money. The two would like to at least try their old number, but they can not for the bailamme of strange characters, guests, like them, of the broadcast And here it is. They do eventually, but it’s a disaster. Only the compliments of the TV president convince them to participate in the show: when it comes to them it is a success. At the station, at the time of departure, they are recognized and sign autographs. Then, after Fred gets some borrowed money from Ginger, they separate. She leaves. The lights on the tracks go out and only the TV with its pounding commercials remains.

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E la nave va

E la nave va

Year: 1983
Format: Colour
Runtime:  132 min
Production: RAI Radiotelevisione e Vides Produzione (Italia), Gaumont (Francia). Teatro di posa: Cinecittà
Viewed censorship: 79229 31/10/1983A liner, Gloria N., is ready to sail. We are in the port of Naples, it is July 1914. Around the pier a crowd of street urchins and street vendors, while quickly the passengers arrive to board. Also arrives the ashes of a famous singer, Edmea Tetua; it is to spread these at sea that the cruise to Erimo was organized. On board there is also a journalist, Orlando, who entertains passengers, mostly singers, conductors, admirers of Edmea. A singer wants to learn the secrets of her skill; an Italian nobleman transforms his cabin into a temple dedicated to Edmea. From the hold rises the unbearable stench of a rhinoceros, which is then hoisted on the deck and washed. Serb shipwrecks who fled after the attack in Sarajevo are picked up. Life on board comes alive, until the ashes of Edmea are scattered in the sea. A Serb launches a bomb against an Austro-Hungarian warship and this cannons the Gloria N. that sinks; even the Austro-Hungarian flagship sinks and explodes. The journalist Orlando finds himself on a lifeboat together with the rhino, which ruminates placidly.

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La città delle donne

La città delle donne

Year: 1980
Format: Colour
Runtime:  145 min
Production: Opera Film Produzione (Roma), Gaumont (Paris)
Word sales: Gaumont – Italy
Viewed censorship: 74981 27/03/1980

A train crosses the countryside: in a compartment snoozes Snàporaz, a distinguished 50-year-old man. A handsome stranger appears, and the man follows her. In the toilet, the two begin to flirt, then the woman suddenly steps off the train into a mysterious landscape. And behind her, Snàporaz. An international conference of feminists is taking place at the Grand Hotel Miramare. As the search for the mysterious passenger continues, Snàporaz, mistaken for a journalist, is attacked. Rescued by a soubrette on skates, in his escape he slips down the stairs and plummets into the cellars, where he meets a big man who, on a motorcycle, accompanies him to the station; the virago, as soon as they are in open country, tries to rape him. And Snàporaz flees again pursued by enraged women. He takes refuge in the castle of Dr. Katzone, his former schoolmate intent on celebrating his career as a libertine. There he meets his wife, who, drunk, covers him with insults, and the savior soubrettina. After retracing some stages of his sentimental upbringing, he is captured by feminists. His woman-shaped hot air balloon is deflated by machine gun fire. As he is plummeting, Snàporaz wakes up in the train, sitting in front of his wife, just before the convoy takes a long tunnel.

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Prova d’orchestra

Prova d’orchestra

Year: 1979
Format: Colour
Runtime:  70 min
Production: Daime Cinematografica S.p.A. and Rai – TV (Roma), Albatros Produktion G.M.B.H. (Monaco)
Word sales: Gaumont – Italy
Viewed censorship: 73109 19/02/1979

Rehearsals for a symphony concert are taking place inside an old oratory. Instrumentalists arrive in small groups and take their places. There are also, in one corner, union representatives. A TV reporter interviews the musicians: each talks about his instrument and experiences. As the maestro arrives, speaking in a distinct German accent, the rehearsal begins quietly. Then suddenly it is interrupted by protests from the orchestral players. The conductor leaves the hall for his dressing room where the journalist follows him to interview him. Meanwhile, in the oratorio it is revolution: everything is protested, from the conductor to the scores; anarchy and disorder reign, with the walls daubed with writing and symbols of revolt. Suddenly the building begins to shake, shaken by increasingly loud blows until a giant steel ball smashes through the walls, and in the collapse the harpist dies. After moments of confusion and cries of terror, silence returns and the rehearsal resumes. Back on the podium, the conductor gives his orders, like a dictator.

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Il Casanova di Federico Fellini

Il Casanova di Federico Fellini

Year: 1976
Format: Colour
Runtime:  170 min
Production: PEA
Word sales: Titanus
Viewed censorship: 69484 01/12/1976

During the Venetian carnival Giacomo Casanova agrees to show his amorous valor with Sister Magdalena and thus please the woman’s voyeur lover, the French ambassador from whom Casanova hopes to gain benefits. But he is arrested by the Inquisition on charges of black magic. He escapes from the Piombi prison and is in Paris as a guest of the Marquise d’Urfé who wants to obtain from him the secret of immortality. Then Casanova leaves Paris and resumes his frenzied activities as a seducer. Among his loves is the unhappy one with Henriette, who makes him despair and abandons him. In Rome he participates in an amatory contest with a Pololano, winning it. In Rome he also meets the pope and his mother, who by then has little interest in his fortunes. Finally, old age, employment as a librarian, his charm fading, the oblivion of the courts, until the loneliness of a dance with a mechanical doll, a memory of an increasingly distant past.

Fellini Satyricon

Fellini Satyricon

Year: 1969
Format: Colour
Runtime: 138 min
Production: P.E.A. (Roma), Les – Productions Artistes Associeés (Paris)
Word sales: P.E.A. (Roma)
Viewed censorship: 5455603/09/1969

Two young men, Encolpius and Ascyltus, are in love with an effeminate boy named Giton. Ascyltus ‘steals’ Giton from Encolpius and sells him to Vernacchio, an actor of vulgar pantomimes. Encolpius manages to take Giton back, and they hid in a palace inhabited by depraved people. Giton – who is allowed to choose one of the two young men – prefers Ascyltus. Encolpius intends to commit suicide, but he’s saved by an unexpected earthquake. Encolpius meets an old poet called Eumolpus, who takes him to the court of Trimalchio, a freed man, where a wild and decadent party is taking place. At the Villa, Eumolpus is heavily beaten, and Trimalchio takes his guests to the tomb where he will be buried. Encolpius is enslaved and meets Giton, and Asciltus on pirate Lichas’ ship, a middle-aged merchant working for the Emperor. Giton is obliged to make sex with a young girl while Encolpius, after having been defeated by Lichas in a Greco-Roman wrestling match, marries her. We continue to follow Encolpius through a series of adventures: he becomes impotent and is cured by Enotea’s Holy Fire, and then he’s forced to fight against the Minotaur. When Ascyltus is murdered, Encolpius decides to board Eumolpus’ ship, that is bound for North Africa. When Eumolpus dies Encolpius refuses to eat his corpse, and thus gives up the possibility of becoming his heir.

I clowns

I clowns

Year: 1970
Format: Colour
Runtime: 93 min
Production: Rai – Radio Televisione Italiana (Italia) – O.R.T.F. (Francia) – Bavaria Film (R.F.T.) Compagnia Leone cinematografica
Word sales: Italnoleggio
Viewed censorship: 5707217/10/1970

A circus tent is being installed and a child looks on curiously. Clowns remind him of some real-life characters, including an energetic dwarf, “Cotechino”, the stationmaster, “Madonna”, who’s continuously quarrels with her colleagues, “Giudizie”, who’s going back to World War I…We then move on to the present day. A television investigation is under way, and Fellini is looking for old clowns and is willing to listening to them telling him their memories. After visiting the “Liana Orfei” circus, Fellini and his crew go to Paris, where they interview Tristan Remy, a writer dealing mainly with clowning history. Fellini helps the writer track old clowns, namely the few survivors of a no longer existing world. The Director shoots their aged and sad faces. He owes them the joy they were capable of giving their audience.

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Year: 1987
Format: Colour
Runtime:  113 min
Production: Aljosha Productions (Ibrahim Moussa), in collaborazione con Cinecittà e Rai Uno
Word sales: Academy
Viewed censorship: 82589 22/05/1987

Fellini is shooting at Cinecittà a film based on America, the novel by Kafka. Pressed by questions from Japanese journalists, the director recounts his first visit, in 1940, to the Roman studios; he was also a journalist, in his early days, who came to Cinecittà to interview a famous diva. Fellini’s memories (hierarchies in orbace, the blue tranvetto for Cinecittà that crosses the Roman countryside, the imperial elephants, the Indians, etc.) crowd and intertwine with the questions of his frenetic interviewers, who film everything. Here is the young Fellini who finally interviews the diva, and meanwhile his current assistant director is looking for new faces in the subway. Then the police arrive, warned by a phone call of the presence of a bomb; then Marcello Mastroianni enters the scene wearing Mandrake’s tails. And the magic wand of these will make the images of La Dolce Vita appear, between the applause of those present and the tears of Anita Ekberg. The next day America resumed shooting, but a hurricane interrupted the shooting. A band of Indians attacked Cinecittà with TV antennas as spears. The filming of the film ends, and everyone greets each other wishing Merry Christmas.

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La voce della luna

La voce della luna

Year: 1990
Format: Colour
Runtime: 118 min
Production: Mario e Vittorio Cecchi Gori, per la C.G. Group Tiger Cinematografica e la Cinemax, con la collaborazione della Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana. Teatri di posa: Stabilimenti Cinematografici Pontini SpA
Word sales: Penta Distribuzione
Viewed censorship: 8539301/02/1990

Hinting at the lunar-obsessed lyrics of Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi, the tale focuses on Micheluzzi Brothers capturing the moon while Ivo – who’s just been dismissed from a mental hospital – tries to seduce Aldina Ferruzzi, the woman he’s in love with. Although she is not interested in him, Ivo equates her blond beauty with that of the moon, and thinks all his mental problems and frustrations are due to this. Meanwhile, the three madmen have caught the moon using gigantic farming equipment, and fastened it inside a stable using a rope. What ought to be a sacred event gives instead rise to a lot of confusion, and priests and politicians turn it into a political rally. The latter rapidly degenerates into violence, as a madman shoots the TV set, which bursts. Now Ivo is alone, and listens to the moon.

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Year: 1972
Format: Colour
Runtime: 119 min
Production: Ultra Film (Roma), Les Productions Artistes Associeés (Paris)
Word sales: Italnoleggio
Viewed censorship: 59913 08/03/1972


Early in the ‘30s, a young man who’s staying at a boarding school run by priests imagines Rome based on his teachers’ statements and the Fascist regime’s rhetoric. In 1939, when he turns twenty, he goes to Rome and discovers the city’s real nature: people living in a cheap hotels, popular restaurants outdoors, children playing on the streets. Then, in 1972, there are massive traffic jams in the ring-road, and Fellini is shooting a film in a city crowded with tourists. He’s criticized by young people who claim is not interested in politics. This reminds us of a small variety show theatre, where viewers are running away because of an air-raid warning. Then the scene is set at an underground construction site, when works have to be stopped because some archeological remains are found. Then hippies gathering in Piazza di Spagna are shown, followed by the clients of a brothel in the Forties. There is also a clergy fashion show, a party in Trastevere (“festa de noantri”), and a real mess, with policemen clubbing people and bikers riding in the night.

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Year: 1977
Format: Colour
Runtime:  127 min
Production: F.C. Produzioni (Rome), P.E.C.F. (Paris)
Word sales: Dear International

Viewed censorship: 6369915/12/1973

In 1930s Rimini, teenager Titta grows up amid Catholic upbringing and Fascist rhetoric. His father, Aurelio, is an anarchist and antifascist foreman: on his shoulders in addition to his two children, his wife and his elderly, rather sprightly father, also lives his loudmouthed, layabout brother-in-law, Uncle “Pataca.” His brother Teo, on the other hand, is locked up in an asylum. The small town is populated by singular characters, such as Volpina the nymphomaniac, Giudizio the madman, Biscein the boaster, the lawyer with easy rhetoric, the exhibitionist motorcyclist, and the blind man who plays the accordion. Titta attends the city high school, where interrogations alternate with pranks on teachers and classmates. His erotic-sentimental life is divided between the unattainable Gradisca, the tobacconist’s big breasts, and summer dances at the Grand Hotel spied from behind hedges. With the village he shares the passing of the seasons, with fires to celebrate the arrival of spring, and events, the passage of the Mille Miglia and that of the ocean liner Rex, the visit of the fascist hierarch and the snowfall. His mother’s death and Gradisca’s marriage mark the end of his adolescence.

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Block-notes di un regista

Block-notes di un regista – Fellini: A Director’s Notebook

Year: 1969
Format: Colour
Runtime: 60 min
Production: N.B.C.
Viewed censorship: non richiesto

It is a fake documentary following Fellini along the remains of Il viaggio di G. Mastorna’s set and then on his inspections to find relics of ancient times and during Satyricon auditions.

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Toby Dammit

Toby Dammit

Year: 1968
Format: Colour
Runtime: 37 min
Production: P.E.A. (Roma), Les Films Marceau (Paris), Cocinor (Paris)
Word sales: P.E.A. (Roma)
Viewed censorship: 5205124/07/1968

Toby Dammit, a former Shakespearean actor, and a drug-addict and an alcoholic at present, is in Rome. He’s going to be the main character of the first Catholic western film. After helping a young girl who has lost the ball she was playing with, Dammit starts having visions of the girl and her ball. After being given a Ferrari by the film producer Dammit drives his new car very fast. Some workers try to stop Dammit close to a fallen bridge across a ravine, but he speeds ahead. When his car reaches the other side, Dammit’s head has been cut off by a cable running across the ravine. The young girl appears again, she picks Toby Dammit’s head up, as if it were a ball …

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Year: 1963
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 114 min
Production: Cineriz (Roma) e Francinex (Paris)
Word sales: Francinex (Paris)
Viewed censorship: 3946106/02/1963

Guido Anselmi, a famous Italian film director, is suffering from the “director’s block”. Despite Anselmi declaring that this movie should be an easy one to make, he is having problems with his artistic vision, and in particular he does not want to tell lies on the screen. He’s blocked when shooting his new science fiction film, including some veiled autobiographical references, and he has lost interest amid artistic and marital difficulties. As Guido struggles half-heartedly to work on the film, a series of flashbacks and dreams delve into his memories and fantasies; they are frequently interwoven with reality. He is trying to relax in a spa after scoring success for his last film. He can’t really have peace, however, as the people who have worked with him in the past are constantly asking for more work to do. He wrestles with his conscience, but is unable to come up with a new idea. While thinking, he starts to recall the major events of his life, and all the women he has loved and then abandoned. He’s a lot of stress, both at professional and personal level. As he works through these problems in the spa, and he thinks over his childhood. Both at the spa and/or on a film set he’s surrounded by many real people he’ll portray on screen, including his wife Luisa – he loves her but he does not fully understand their marriage – his mistress Carla, the antithesis of Luisa, and an actress named Claudia who, in his opinion, will be his ultimate salvation.

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Le notti di Cabiria

Le Notti di Cabiria

Year: 1957
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 110 min
Production: Dino De Laurentiis (Roma), Les Films Marceau (Paris)
Word sales: Paramount
Viewed censorship: 2374215/03/1957

Cabiria, an innocent and unhappy prostitute, risks being killed by a friend who wants to rob her. She is picked up by a popular movie star, Alberto Lazzati, and brought to his estate. However, his mistress shows up and Cabiria gets locked in the bathroom all night with the dog. She then joins her fellow prostitutes to attend a service; she prays and hopes a miracle will take place. She meets Oscar, an accountant, who promises her a happy future. At first she is cautious and suspicious, but after several meetings she falls passionately in love with him and they get married only a few weeks later. During their honeymoon, Oscar becomes very nervous and violent and wants to kill her and steal her money. She throws her purse at his feet, sobbing, while he abandons her. Hours later, she picks herself up and stumbles out of the wood in tears. In the film’s famous last shot Cabiria walks along the long road leading to town where she meets a group of young people riding scooters, playing music, and dancing. They happily form a parade around her until she begins to smile through her tears.

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La strada

La strada

Year: 1954
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 94 min
Production: Dino De Laurentiis, Carlo Ponti
Word sales: Paramount
Viewed censorship: 1731118/09/1954

Zampanò, a violent-tempered man, makes his living as an itinerant fire-swallower. He buys Gelsomina, a naïve young woman for 10,000 lire, and she becomes his assistant. She’s forced to become his lover, but she tries to run away, as she is constantly abused by him. She meets il Matto (‘The Fool’) in a circus; he is a talented artist and a clown, and he teases and humiliates Zampanò whenever he can. During a quarrel, Zampanò accidentally kills Il Matto. Following the murder, Gelsomina is driven crazy. Zampanò abandons her while she is taking a nap. Some years later, he overhears a woman singing a tune Gelsomina often played and he learns that Gelsomina died. Zampanò gets drunk and wanders to the beach, where he becomes fully aware of being lonely. He breaks down and cries on the deserted beach.

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La dolce vita

La dolce vita

Year: 1960
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 178 min
Production: Riama Film (Roma), Pathé Consortium Cinéma (Paris)
Word sales: Cineriz
Viewed censorship: 3107021/01/1960

Marcello is a gossip columnist, and is searching for a way to become a serious writer. He’s fully involved in Rome’s ‘dolce vita’. He’s flirting with an aristocrat who’s always looking for new emotions. He has a partner, Emma, and feels oppressed by her jealousy; she attempts to commit suicide. He woes Sylvia – a very popular and explosive movie star – to no avail. Sylvia bathes in the Trevi Fountain and is very sexy. Two children invent a fake vision of the Virgin Mary and he meets a sophisticated intellectual, Mr. Steiner. Marcello admires his family and his apparently ideal life style. Mr. Steiner, however, kills his own children and then commits suicide. Marcello’s old father comes to see him and gets ill, Emma abandons him, and other events follow one another. After another orgy occurring during the night, at dawn the tired and dazed participants find the carcass of a sea monster stranded on the beach.

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Il bidone

Il bidone

Year: 1955
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 104 min
Production: Titanus (Roma), S.G.C. (Paris)
Word sales: Titanus
Viewed censorship: 1985804/10/1955

Roberto, Picasso and August are ‘professional swindlers’. They dress up as priests and cheat peasantsì, then they pretend to be government officers and swindle people living in emergency housing while promising them they’ll be assigned a house, and sell old coats to un-experienced filling station attendants telling them they are new . The three friends attend a New Year’s Eve party together, when Iris, Picasso’s wife, finds out what kind of business her husband is actually in. Augusto’s daughter is not aware of her father’s job either. One day, when she is at the cinema with her father, she finds out the truth, because one of Augusto’s victims recognizes and attacks him. Augusto is arrested in front of his daughter. As soon as he gets out of prison he joins the gang and dresses up as a cardinal to cheat people again, but this time the victim‘s daughter is paralytic and the money they received would have been used to support her. Augusto feels remorse and intends to give the money back. Later he changes his mind and tries to cheat the other swindlers, there is a fight and Augusto tries to escape; he falls into a gully and breaks his spine. The other members of the gang don’t help him, they take the money and run away. Augusto dies after much suffering.

Boccaccio ’70

Boccaccio ’70

Year: 1962
Format: Colour
Runtime: 60 min
Production: Concordia Compagnia Cinematografica e Cineriz (Roma), Francinex e Gray Films (Paris)
Word sales: Cineriz
Viewed censorship: 4645206/02/1962

The other film episodes are: Renzo e Luciana by Mario Monicelli, Il lavoro by Luchino Visconti and La riffa by Vittorio De Sica.
Doctor Antonio, an unbending moralist, waged a personal war against spreading immorality. He improvised sermons in front of a boy-scout audience, he bothered couples looking for intimacy, he even tore off covers from magazines displayed at newspaper kiosks. He got really angry when a provocative billboard showing a smiling buxom woman, advertising ‘Drink more milk’, was hung just below his windows. He made an unsuccessful effort at having the billboard removed. He then decided to throw ink bottles onto the billboard to stain it. The billboard was then censored by local authorities but heavy rains uncovered the tempting woman’s body once again. This image started haunting him in his dreams until he was found having hallucinations on the billboard he had climbed. While Doctor Antonio was being driven to hospital by ambulance Cupid was smiling at him scornfully.

Amore in città (episodio “Agenzia matrimoniale”)

Amore in città (episodio “Agenzia matrimoniale”)

Year: 1953
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 16 min
Production: Faro Film
Word sales: D.C.N.
Viewed censorship: 15341 13/11/1953

The other film episodes are: L’amore che si paga by Carlo Lizzani, Paradiso per quattro ore by Dino Risi, Tentato Suicidio by Michelangelo Antonioni, Storia di Caterina by Francesco Maselli and Cesare Zavattini, Gli italiani si voltano by Alberto Lattuada.
A young journalist is carrying out a survey on marriage agencies. Being sceptical, he pretends to be a customer who is searching for a wife for a rich friend of him. Although he says that his friend suffers from epilepsy, lives in the countryside and he turns into a werewolf during full moon nights, he manages to find a girl willing to marry his friend. She is a sweet and naive girl, who undermines the protagonist’s cynic approach.

I Vitelloni

I Vitelloni

Year: 1953
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 103 min
Production: Peg Film (Roma) / Cité Film (Paris)
Word sales: ENIC
Viewed censorship: 1500517/09/1953

Set in the director’s hometown of Rimini, I Vitelloni follows the lives of five young vitelloni, or layabouts, who while away their listless days in their small seaside village. Fausto, the leader of the pack, marries his sweetheart, but finds himself constantly distracted by other women. Meanwhile, would-be playwright Leopoldo goes on working on his dreary plays, dreaming of staging them one day. Clownish Alberto still lives at home with his mother and sister, Olga, while boasting of preserving the family honor by watching over her. Stuck in adolescence, the five friends stumble into various misadventures, as they seek to spice up their uneventful provincial lives. Ultimately, one of them breaks free from their self-imposed paralysis and moves on.

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Lo Sceicco Bianco

Lo Sceicco Bianco

Year: 1952
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 85 min
Production: P.D.C. – O.F.I.
Word sales: P.D.C.
Viewed censorship:  11720 07/04/1952

Two newly-weds, Wanda and Ivan, are spending their honeymoon in Rome during the Holy Year. He comes from a bourgeois family and has planned everything, including visiting the Pope. As soon as they arrive in Rome, Wanda leaves the hotel and looks for the White Sheik, the hero of a photo love story published on a magazine she’s a fond reader of. She goes to Fregene, where a new episode of the White Shiek is being made and she finds out that her ‘hero’ is not up to her expectations. She tries to commit suicide by diving into the Tevere river, but she’s rescued. She finally goes back to the hotel, where she meets her husband. They hurriedly go to Saint Peter’s Basilica, together with her relatives, to meet the Pope.

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Luci del varietà

Luci del varietà

Year: 1950
Format: Black and white
Runtime: 100 min
Production: Capitolium Film
Word sales: Fincine
Viewed censorship: 8888 18/11/1950

Luci del Varietà is about a bunch of misfits of a traveling vaudeville troupe. The group of actors, dancers, and performers struggle to make money and perform in front of just a few people. Their director, Checco Dal Monte, wants to be successful. His longtime sweetheart, Melina Amour, saves up money and plans to start a business. They arrive in a small town to stage another show, and Checco meets beauty queen Lily; he hires her as a dancer. Her sex appeal attracts large crowds of enthusiastic spectators, and she quickly becomes the star of the show. Checco falls in love with Lily and neglects Melina. The loyal group of performers are left without a leader, while Lily proves to be stubborn in her quest for fame. Lily signs a contract with another impresario and leaves him. After Melina’s has forgiven him, Checco and the whole company start travelling again. On the train he meets a nice-looking woman … and the whole story starts again.

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Giulietta degli spiriti

Giulietta degli spiriti

Year: 1965
Format: Colour
Runtime: 120 min
Production: Federiz (Roma), Francoriz (Paris)
Word sales: Cineriz
Viewed censorship: 4573323/09/1965

Giulietta is a wealthy middle-class housewife living in Fregene (near Rome), who constantly fears her husband Giorgio is cheating on her. While she yearns for a peaceful intimate evening with him on the night of their 15th wedding anniversary, the egotistical Giorgio has forgotten about it and instead arrives home with his eccentric friends. They organize a séance, and Giulietta is haunted and offended by erotic and vulgar ghosts. She is obsessed with their statements and fears Giorgio’s infidelity. She meets her neighbor Suzy, who invites her to her villa, and she talks freely to her, as she now has the evidence of her husband’s infidelity. She feels guilty and leaves, bewildered. Thanks to a psychoanalyst, Juliet manage to fight against her ghosts and temptations. At the end – triumphant and wearing a white dress – she goes towards the strong wind blowing from the sea.